Whippin Debt Introduction



I am delighted to work with you on your financial journey to debt freedom! LET’S WHIP THIS DEBT TOGETHER!

If you stay the course and work the plan your finances will change  

 In this video you will learn the following

·     Why I am passionate about getting you out of debt

·     MTI model of debt freedom so you can live the good life God intended you to live

.     Group Consultation

·     What you will learn in the 8 weeks

Week 1/ How to own your No’s

Week 2/ It’s better to whip debt together than separate

Week 3/ Financial Treatment Plan

Week 4/ Communication style and money habits

Week 5/ The Different Burner Syndrome

Week 6/ The Budget is real

Week 7/ Another paycheck

Week 8/ Credit and that Dam Sallie Mae

MTI Values

Be patient with yourself and stay true to the process

Take your time and be honest with yourself

Own your No’s

Don’t spend money you did not budget

Take your time and finish each lecture before moving on.

Watch the video and repeat steps when needed to grasp the concept of the

lectures and take action in order to be successful with your finances!

Complete and Continue  